What is the Difference Between an HSA and a Health FSA?

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Article Highlights: Flexible Spending Accounts Common Features of an FSA FSA Allowable Medical Expenses  Unused Amounts (Use It or Lose It) Health Savings Accounts Enrolled in Medicare Covered Under a High-deductible…

Understanding What Tax-Deferred Investing Is

Article Highlights: Income Deferral Earnings Deferral Individual Retirement Accounts Retirement Accounts Bank Savings Short- and Long-Term Capital Gains Education Savings Accounts Health Savings Accounts Installment…
Tax Reform Enables Deferral of Taxable Gains Into Investments in Opportunity Zones

Tax Reform Enables Deferral of Taxable Gains Into Investments in Opportunity Zones

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Those who have a large taxable gain from the sale of a stock, asset, or business and who would like to defer that gain with the possibility of excluding some of it from taxation should investigate a new investment called a qualified opportunity…

Making Two IRA Rollovers in One Year Can Be Costly

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Article Highlights:  One Rollover per Year Rule Exceptions Tax Consequences Disqualified Rollover Early Withdrawal Penalty Tax law permits you to take a distribution from your IRA account, and as long as you return the…

Understanding Tax-Deferred Investing

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Article Highlights: Income Deferral Earnings Deferral Individual Retirement Accounts Retirement Accounts Bank Savings Short- and Long-Term Capital Gains Education Savings Accounts Health Savings Accounts When you…

Kiddie Tax No Longer Based on Parents’ Tax Rate

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Article Highlights: Parents Attempting to Shift Income to Children Kiddie Tax Tax Reform Changes Tax on Child’s Unearned Income Tax on Child’s Earned Income Some years back, it was not uncommon for parents to put…
Investment Deductions

So Long To The Tax Deduction For Investment Expenses

Under the new tax reform law, investment expenses are no longer deductible as a miscellaneous itemized deduction. This means, for example, that if you have an investment account and are paying fees to have it managed, those fees are no longer…