Keep More of Your Money: Top 12 Tax Strategies for the High-Net-Worth

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High-net-worth individuals face unique challenges in managing their wealth, particularly when minimizing tax liabilities. Our firm offers expert guidance that will help you keep more of your money year after year. Whether you own rental properties…

Think Twice Before Tossing: The Critical Timing for Disposing of Your Tax Records Safely

 Article Highlights: Why We Keep Records Audit Defense Amending Returns Claiming Refunds Tax Basis Duration for Keeping Tax Records Federal Statute of Limitations on Tax Refunds Tax Return Omissions Indefinite…

Tax Facts about Claiming Tax Benefits for Childcare Expenses 

Article Highlights: Credit For Childcare Credit Percentage Child Qualifications Employment-Related Expense Taxpayer Earnings Limits Full-Time-Student or Disabled Spouse Qualifying Care Other Facts and Issues Tactic…

Secure Your Child's Financial Future: The Importance of Establishing Custodial Accounts Early

As parents, ensuring the financial security of our children is paramount. One effective tool for this is a custodial account, a financial mechanism designed to hold and protect assets for minors until they reach adulthood. In this article, we…

5 Essential Personal Finance Tips Every Millennial Should Know

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As Millennials continue to navigate their financial journeys, understanding key tax and personal finance topics is crucial for achieving long-term prosperity. In this article, we'll explore some of the most important issues facing Millennials…

Financial Resolutions: A Guide to Kickstart Your Best Money Year Yet

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A guide to kickstart your best money year yet. This article will guide you through essential financial resolutions to set the tone for your best money year yet. As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us reflect on the past and set…

Financial Planning for All Ages

Are you wondering where the world economy is going and how your personal finances will stand up to the changes?  If so, you are not alone.  Part of the fun of being on this planet is planning for the future even when it’s not clear what…

Are You an American Living Abroad? Here Are the Essential Tax Facts to Consider

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It can be logical to assume that because you've moved out of the country, you no longer have to pay taxes on any money you earn. It can be logical... but it is also incorrect. Nearly all United States citizens must file a Federal Tax Return…

Are You Caring for a Disabled Family Member? Read This.

Article Highlights: Caring for Disabled Family Members Qualified Medicaid Waiver Payments Exclusion Qualifications Mandatory Exclusion Earned Income Earned Income Tax Credit Tax Court Ruling Many taxpayers prefer…

If You Want to Maximize Your Social Security Income, You Need to Start Planning Now

According to one recent study, about 27% of people in the United States between the ages of 55 and 67 years old have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. If you needed just one statistic to outline how important it is to plan ahead when you're…