From Sugary Sips to Slimmer Kids – The Real Impact of Seattle’s Soda Tax

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New research indicates that children living in Seattle experienced a significant decrease in body mass index (BMI) following the implementation of the city's soda tax. This tax, aimed at reducing the consumption of sugary beverages, has not…

Supreme Court Showdown: The Fate of American Wealth Taxes

Some politicians’ dreams of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans face a critical juncture as the United States Supreme Court prepares to weigh in on a seemingly minor tax dispute involving a $14,729 tax liability. The case, known…

Kiddie Tax No Longer Based on Parents’ Tax Rate

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Article Highlights: Parents Attempting to Shift Income to Children Kiddie Tax Tax Reform Changes Tax on Child’s Unearned Income Tax on Child’s Earned Income Some years back, it was not uncommon for parents to put…
U.S. consumer spending rises, Brexit casts shadow on outlook

U.S. consumer spending rises, Brexit casts shadow on outlook

BY LUCIA MUTIKANI | Featured on Reuters U.S. consumer spending rose for a second straight month in May on increased demand for automobiles and other goods, but there are fears Britain's vote to leave the European Union could hurt confidence…
Fed's Williams Sees 'Huge Impact' on U.S. From China, Brazil

Fed's Williams Sees 'Huge Impact' on U.S. From China, Brazil

Article Featured on Bloomberg News Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President John Williams said the global economy, particularly China and Brazil, was having a significant impact on measures that U.S. policy makers watch to determine…
China’s Bumpy New Normal

China’s Bumpy New Normal

Article by JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ | Featured on Project Syndicate SHANGHAI – China’s shift from export-driven growth to a model based on domestic services and household consumption has been much bumpier than some anticipated, with stock-market…
A Step Forward for Sovereign Debt

A Step Forward for Sovereign Debt

Article by Joseph E. Stiglitz & Martin Guzman | Featured on Project Syndicate  Every advanced country has a bankruptcy law, but there is no equivalent framework for sovereign borrowers. That legal vacuum matters, because, as we now see…
The Trouble With Financial Bubbles

The Trouble With Financial Bubbles

Article by HOWARD DAVIES | Featured on Project Syndicate Very soon after the magnitude of the 2008 financial crisis became clear, a lively debate began about whether central banks and regulators could – and should – have done more to…

Modernizing the IMF

PRINCETON – The international system of economic governance is at a turning point. After 70 years, the Bretton Woods institutions – the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank –appear creaky, with their very legitimacy being questioned…
America and China in "Productivity Paradox"

America, China, and the Productivity Paradox

NEW HAVEN – In the late 1980s, there was intense debate about the so-called productivity paradox – when massive investments in information technology (IT) were not delivering measureable productivity improvements. That paradox is now back,…