Financial Resolutions: A Guide to Kickstart Your Best Money Year Yet
Finance Tips, Financial Planning, SavingsA guide to kickstart your best money year yet.
This article will guide you through essential financial resolutions to set the tone for your best money year yet.
As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us reflect on the past and set…

Saver’s Credit Can Help You Save for Retirement
IRA Contributions, IRA's, Roth IRA, SavingsArticle Highlights:
Eligible Taxpayers
Rules for Students, Dependents of Others and Individuals Under the Age of 18
Due Date for Contributions
Low- and moderate-income workers can take steps to save for retirement and…

Smart Strategies for Building and Expanding Your Financial Nest Egg
SavingsIn today's dynamic financial landscape, it's imperative to explore innovative ways to save and grow your nest egg. This comprehensive guide outlines practical and proven savings hacks that can significantly enhance your financial security and…

Why It's Never Too Early to Start a Savings Account for Your Children
SavingsParents - especially new ones - are always looking for new ways to improve the lives of their children. Surprisingly, one of the most effective opportunities that people also often overlook has to do with starting a savings account for that…

Looking for Quick Cash? Try to Avoid Retirement Savings
Retirement, SavingsArticle Highlights:
Early-Withdrawal Penalties
Reduction in Retirement Savings
Exceptions from the Early-Withdrawal Penalty
If you find yourself looking for a quick source of cash, your retirement savings may look like a tempting…

Want to Relieve Stress in 2023? Start Building Your Emergency Fund
SavingsMaybe you're one of the people who went through mass layoffs in virtually all industries in 2022. Maybe you've made a New Year's resolution to become more financially stable in 2023. You might even be worried that this is the year that the economy…

Tax Benefits When Saving for College Education
College, SavingsArticle Highlights:
Planning for a Child’s Post-Secondary Education
Tax-Favored Plans
Tax-Free Earnings
Coverdell Accounts
Qualified Tuition Plans
Have Others Contribute
Gift Tax Issues
Tuition Gifts
A common question…

Post-Pandemic Savings Burning a Hole in Your Pocket?
COVID-19, SavingsNot to overstate the obvious, but the last 18 months have seen major modifications in the ways that most Americans spent their money. Without the ability to visit department stores, malls, and big-box stores, retail therapy was significantly…

Creating an Emergency Fund to Help You Weather a Storm Like COVID-19
COVID-19, SavingsFor years, experts have been saying that everyone - including average citizens - needs to have some type of emergency fund in place to help them get through any "rainy days" that may lie ahead. The advice usually varies depending on the source,…

Gift and Estate Tax Primer
Accounting, Estate Planning, Gift Tax, Savings, Tax Planning, TaxesThe tax code places limits on the amounts that individuals can gift to others (as money or property) without paying taxes. This is meant to keep individuals from using gifts to avoid the estate tax that is imposed upon inherited assets. This…