Purr-fect Savings: The Secrets of Pet Tax Deductions

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When tax season rolls around every year, many pet owners wonder if they can get a tax break for their furry companions – after all, “pet parents” often consider their fur babies to be as much a part of the family as actual children. Pet…

Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatments May Be Tax Deductible

Article Highlights: Potential medical deductions Medical dependents Divorced parents Medical AGI limitations A taxpayer is allowed an itemized deduction for medical expenses paid during the taxable year and not compensated by…

Tax Facts about Claiming Tax Benefits for Childcare Expenses 

Article Highlights: Credit For Childcare Credit Percentage Child Qualifications Employment-Related Expense Taxpayer Earnings Limits Full-Time-Student or Disabled Spouse Qualifying Care Other Facts and Issues Tactic…

Is It Better to Have a Tax Credit or a Deduction?

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Article Highlights: Itemized Deductions Above-the-Line Deductions Business Deductions Asset-Sale Deductions Refundable Credits Nonrefundable Credits Carryover Credits Business Tax Credits Tax Deductions – In one…

Tax Deductible Expenses for Charity Volunteers

Article Highlights: Charity Tax Exempt Status General Rules for Deducting Volunteer Expenses Away-From-Home Travel Expenses Vehicle Expenses Entertaining For Charity Uniforms Use of a Capital Assets Conventions Underprivileged…

2024 Standard Mileage Rates Announced

Article Highlights: Standard Mileage Rates for 2024 Business, Charitable, Medical and Moving Rates Important Considerations for 2024 Switching Between the Actual Expense and Standard Mileage Rate Methods Employer Reimbursements …

Taxes and Holiday Gift Giving

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Article Highlights: Watch Out for Holiday Gift Scams Gifts with Tax Benefits Gift of College Tuition Gift of College Student’s Supplies Payoff of Student Loan Debt Clean Car Credit Qualified Tuition Programs Qualified…

Home Energy Improvement Credit Is Enhanced

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Article Highlights: Credit History Credit Percentage and Annual Credit Limit Per Item Credit Limit Home Energy Audit Identification Number Requirement Other Credit Issues Tip To Maximize The Credit This credit goes…

Bunching Your Deductions Can Provide Big Tax Benefits

Article Highlights:  Itemized Versus Standard Deductions Medical Expenses Taxes Charitable Contributions If your tax deductions normally fall short of itemizing your deductions or even if you are able to itemize, but only…

Not All Interest Is Deductible for Taxes

Article Highlights:  Interest Categories Category Deductibility Interest Tracing Rules A frequent question that arises when borrowing money is whether or not the interest will be tax deductible. That can be a complicated question,…