Planning for a Child’s College Expenses Should Start Early

Article Highlights: Sec. 529 plans Coverdell Education Savings Accounts The Lifetime Learning credit Qualified Education Loan Interest Some in Congress have proposed “free” (i.e., government-paid) tuition for community college…

Tax Benefits When Saving for College Education

Article Highlights: Planning for a Child’s Post-Secondary Education Tax-Favored Plans Tax-Free Earnings Coverdell Accounts Qualified Tuition Plans Have Others Contribute Gift Tax Issues Tuition Gifts A common question…
Personal Finance Tips for Recent College Graduates

Personal Finance Tips for Recent College Graduates

Congratulations! You've worked hard on your degree and are ready to move forward with your first job and other major life decisions. While your degree and this first job don't necessarily set your life in stone, now is a crucial time to start…
Gift Tax Treatment of Tuition Plans

Gift Tax Treatment of Tuition Plans

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Qualified tuition plans (QTPs) provide a means for family members and others to save for the future educational needs of children. Investment earnings within a QTP account are tax deferred and not taxable when withdrawn if used to pay qualified…
Big Changes to College Savings Plans

Big Changes to College Savings Plans

Tax reform added some new taxpayer-advantageous changes to college savings plans. These plans are also known as qualified tuition programs (QTPs) or Sec. 529 plans, named after the part of the Internal Revenue Code that established them. Background:…