Living Below Your Means: A Key to Entrepreneurial Success

Starting a business is a thrilling adventure, filled with dreams of innovation, independence, and financial success. However, the reality of entrepreneurship often involves long hours, relentless challenges, and financial uncertainty. As tax…

New Business Start-up Costs

Article Highlights Starting a Business What Expenses Qualify as Start-up and Organizational Costs Tax Treatment of Start-up and Organizational Costs Common Start-up and Organizational Costs Summary Starting a business can…

Your Entrepreneur Start-Up Guide: The Best Practices to Help Motivate Success

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Ask any experienced entrepreneur and they will tell you that the difference between running a business and running a successful business is massive. To truly give yourself the best chance of success, and to help achieve your overall goals in…

Tax Planning to Help New Franchisees

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Tax Planning to Help New Franchisees investment can be a wonderful opportunity, but it also involves a completely unfamiliar set of rules when it comes to your taxes. Whether you are considering becoming a franchisee or are already involved,…

How to Evaluate Your Business Idea Before Diving In

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They say that everybody has at least one good novel in them, and many people feel the same way about ideas for a successful business. If you are considering diving into the world of entrepreneurship, it’s a good idea to pause for a moment,…
How Does Combining a Vacation with a Foreign Business Trip Affect the Tax Deduction for Travel Expenses of a Self-Employed Individual?

How Does Combining a Vacation with a Foreign Business Trip Affect the Tax Deduction for Travel Expenses of a Self-Employed Individual?

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Note: effective for years 2018 through 2025, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 suspended the deduction of miscellaneous itemized expenses that must be reduced by 2% of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income. Employee business expenses, including…
Top 10 Startup Business Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer

Top 10 Startup Business Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer

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Starting a small business can be one of the most exciting and rewarding events in someone’s life. But it can also be extremely stressful. If you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, you might have more questions swirling around…
10 Mistakes Most Small Business Owners Miss When Starting Out

10 Mistakes Most Small Business Owners Miss When Starting Out

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The process of starting a small business can be an arduous one; there are numerous steps that need to be taken — and often in a precise order — to legally establish a business. As a result, the process can be overwhelming. Unfortunately,…
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A New Study Says Business Loans Help Startups Grow. Personal Loans Don't

Article by Rob Mandelbaum | Found on Forbes Business 101 teaches that entrepreneurs must begin almost immediately to build company credit. That advice has always rankled a certain breed of DIY business owners, the ones who find debt of any…
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The Hot New 'Retirement' Plan for Baby Boomers: Starting a Business

Article by Leigh Buchanan | Found on INC.COM Characterizing a Boomer business as a retirement hobby is as misleading as saying all 20-somethings launch app companies. Still, startups by people over age 50 tend to skew small. Gallup reports…