Proving Noncash Charitable Contributions
CharityArticle Highlights:
Noncash Charitable Contributions
Establishing Donation Value
Fair Market Value
Documentation Requirements
Appraisal Requirements
Tax legislation passed in late 2017 nearly doubled the standard deduction…

Tax Deductible Expenses for Charity Volunteers
Charity, DeductionsArticle Highlights:
Charity Tax Exempt Status
General Rules for Deducting Volunteer Expenses
Away-From-Home Travel Expenses
Vehicle Expenses
Entertaining For Charity
Use of a Capital Assets

Tax Exempt Organization Filing Deadline Approaching
2023 Taxes, Charity, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Information Filing
Due Dates
Calendar Year Nonprofit
Fiscal Year Nonprofits
Which Form To File
Extension of Time to File
Late Filing Penalty
Failure To File For 3 Years
State Filing Requirements

Don’t Overlook Your Charitable Contributions
Charity, DeductionsArticle Highlights:
Charitable Itemized Deductions
Bunching Deductions
Qualified Charitable Distributions
Donor-Advised Funds
Volunteer Expenses
Household Goods and Used Clothing
Documenting Charitable…

You May Be Able to Donate Your Unused Employee Vacation, Sick, or Personal Leave to Ukrainian Relief
CharityArticle Highlights:
Forgoing Vacation, Sick, or Personal Leave in Exchange for Ukrainian Relief
Program Duration
Employee and Employer Tax Implications
IRS Notice 2022-28
There is a little-known disaster provision of the tax…

Charitable Tax Deduction Peculiarities
2021 Tax Laws, 2022 Taxes, Charity
Charitable Tax Deduction Peculiarities
Charitable contributions are deducted as part of a taxpayer’s itemized deductions on IRS Schedule A, except for the special 2020 and 2021 provisions that allow up to $300 ($600 for married taxpayers…

Tax Tips for Holiday Charity Donations
Charity, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Long-Form Itemization Required
Below-the-Line Cash Contributions for 2021
Qualified Charities Only
Cash Donations
Non-cash Donations
Leave Donations
Other Qualifying Donations
AGI Limitations

Friends of the Children Donation
Charity, Community InvolvementIsler Northwest is proud to support Friends of the Children with a donation of toys and gifts this holiday season!
About Friends of the Children
In 1993, Friends of the Children opened its doors with three friends serving 24 children.…

Year-End Tips for Charitable Contributions
Charity, Deductions, Tax PlanningAs the end of the year and the holiday season approach, we will all see an uptick in the number of charitable solicitations arriving in our mailboxes and by email. Since some charities sell their contributor lists to other charities, frequent…

Donor Advised Funds Provide Tax Benefits
Charity, Gift Tax, Non-Profits, Tax Planning, Tax TipsIf you would like to make a substantial tax-deductible charitable donation this year, but have the ability to spread the actual distribution of funds to specific charities over a number of years, a donor-advised fund (DAF) may fill that need.…