Are Your Unemployment Benefits Taxable?
ARPA, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Oregon, Oregon Income Tax, Stimulus Payments, Tax News, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
CARES and COVID Tax Relief Acts
Unemployment Benefits
American Rescue Plan
Tax-Exempt Portion of Unemployment
Bogus Forms 1099-G
Kiddie Tax and Unemployment
States’ Taxation of Unemployment

Required Minimum IRA Distributions Will Resume in 2021
2021 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, IRAs & RMDs, Tax News, Tax PlanningArticle Highlights:
CARES Act Moratorium
RMD Resumptions
Age Considerations
Figuring out the RMD Amount
Penalty for Not Taking an RMD
No Maximum Limit
IRA-to-Charity Transfers
As part of the CARES Act, the requirement…

Unemployment Fraudsters May Create a Tax Nightmare for Unsuspecting Taxpayers
CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Scams, Security, Tax News, Tax TipsAs if this past year with all of its pandemic perils has not been stressful enough, the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Labor has just added to our anxieties by announcing that at least at least $36 billion and possibly…

House Votes Monday on Second $2,000 Stimulus Check After Trump Signs Bill
2020 Due Dates, 2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, EIP Card, Stimulus PaymentsFrom CNET | written by Jessica Dolcourt
President Trump signed the stimulus bill on Sunday night, avoiding the government shutdown. Today, the House will vote on $2,000 stimulus checks.
Sunday night, after days of criticizing the $600 second…

Help Is on the Way – Emergency Coronavirus Relief Agreement Reached
2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Stimulus Payments
Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act of 2020
Stimulus Payments
Unemployment Assistance
CDC Eviction Moratorium
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
Earned Income Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit
School Funding
Child Care

Tax Law Changes Allow Year-End Charitable Planning Opportunities
CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, IRA Contributions, Jobs Act, SECURE Act, Stimulus Payments, Tax Planning
As the end of the tax year approaches, it is worth spending a few minutes reviewing some of the changes that have been made in the tax laws surrounding donations to charities. In some cases, this guide will serve as a refresher regarding…

IRS Clarifies Stance On No Deductibility Of Expenses Paid With PPP Funds
2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Paycheck Protection ProgramDear friends and clients,
On Wednesday, November 18, the IRS issued further guidance regarding the tax deductibility of business expenses paid with Paycheck Protection Program loan proceeds. The article below published in Forbes.com and…

What Led to Congress Extending the Paycheck Protection Program?
2020 Stimulus Package, Accounting, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19The economic uncertainty created in the outset of the Coronavirus pandemic was unprecedented, to say the least. This is a big part of the reason why, soon after the spread began, Congress took steps that were equally drastic - they passed the…

Congress Liberalizes PPP Loan Forgiveness
CARES Act 2020, Paycheck Protection ProgramIf you are the owner of a small business that was able to obtain a Paycheck Projection Program (PPP) Loan, you have probably already started worrying about how you are supposed to spend the loan proceeds to maximize loan forgiveness.

Does Your Business Qualify for the Research Tax Credit?
2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, Paycheck Protection ProgramFor businesses, the tax code provides a tax credit of up to 20% of qualified expenditures to encourage businesses to develop, design or improve products, processes, techniques, formulas or software and similar activities. In the past, this credit—called…