How to Evaluate Your Business Idea Before Diving In

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They say that everybody has at least one good novel in them, and many people feel the same way about ideas for a successful business. If you are considering diving into the world of entrepreneurship, it’s a good idea to pause for a moment,…

The Checklist Every Small Business Owner Needs for New Hires

Growing your business to the point that you need to start hiring employees is exciting. It’s also rife with administrative burdens that you don’t want to be unprepared for. When taking on a new hire, you need more than 1) the assurance…

How Business Owners Should Conceptualize Their Financial Results

  Entrepreneurs don't necessarily need to be numbers people in order to succeed: You need drive, passion, the ability and will to follow things through, and the hustler's spirit that enables you to constantly try that new thing or relentlessly…
How to Organize Spending Priorities for Your Newer Growth Startup

How to Organize Spending Priorities for Your Newer Growth Startup

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According to a recent study conducted by U.S. Bank, over 80% of all newly formed businesses that ultimately fail do so due to cash flow problems. If you needed a reason to believe that getting your spending in order and dedicating the time…
Top 10 Startup Business Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer

Top 10 Startup Business Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Answer

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Starting a small business can be one of the most exciting and rewarding events in someone’s life. But it can also be extremely stressful. If you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, you might have more questions swirling around…
How QuickBooks Protects Your Data, and How You Can Help

How QuickBooks Protects Your Data, and How You Can Help

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The data in your QuickBooks company file contains some of the most sensitive information on your computer. Make sure it’s secure. Your customer list is gold. And those Social Security and bank card numbers in your payroll, client, and…
Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs an Employee Identification Number

Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs an Employee Identification Number

Entrepreneurs often shrug off the idea of obtaining an employer identification number, or EIN, believing that their small business really doesn’t need one. Though there are some cases where a solo business can get away with merely utilizing…
6 Common Small Business Accounting Problems That Are Killing Your Growth

6 Common Small Business Accounting Problems That Are Killing Your Growth

If you’re a small business owner, you want your organization to do far more than survive: you want it to thrive! Unfortunately, to make sure that customers are happy and the lights stay on there are a lot of details that need attention, and…
Mitigating the Effects of Employee Burnout: What You Need to Know

Mitigating the Effects of Employee Burnout: What You Need to Know

Make absolutely no mistake about it: Not only is employee burnout very real, it’s probably costing your business a lot more money than you realize. It’s also not a problem that you’re necessarily going to be able to buy your way out of,…

The Key Steps to Take BEFORE You Start a New Business  

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Very few people think that starting a new business is easy. But at the same time, there are few first-time entrepreneurs who realize just how involved things are from the moment you start trying to bring that idea that previously only existed…