Unveiling the Hidden Costs: How Non-Compliance in Foreign Asset Reporting Could Lead to Substantial Penalties
Foreign TaxesArticle Highlights
The Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets
Foreign Rental Property
Foreign Pensions
Reporting Receipt of Foreign Gifts or Bequests
Reporting Ownership…

Money Doesn't Stink: The 12 Strangest Taxes in History
Foreign Taxes, Tax NewsThroughout history, taxes have been a fundamental aspect of governance, often reflecting the economic and social priorities of the times. While many taxes are straightforward, aimed at income, property, or sales, some historical taxes have been…

Are You an American Living Abroad? Here Are the Essential Tax Facts to Consider
Financial Planning, Foreign Taxes, Tax PlanningIt can be logical to assume that because you've moved out of the country, you no longer have to pay taxes on any money you earn. It can be logical... but it is also incorrect.
Nearly all United States citizens must file a Federal Tax Return…

Foreign Account Reporting Requirements (FBAR)
Foreign Taxes, TaxesU.S. citizens and residents with a financial interest in or signature or other authority over any foreign financial account need to report that relationship by filing FinCEN Form 114 if the aggregate value of the accounts exceeds $10,000 at…