Choosing Your Accounting Method Under New Tax Laws
Accounting, Tax Tips, TaxesBusinesses today must take a closer look at their accounting methods. Since the passage of new tax laws, with changes to thresholds for choosing accounting methods, all companies need to take an inward look at their current accounting methods…
Why It Might be Time for Your Small Business to Migrate to Cloud Accounting
Cloud accounting is a big idea that brings with it a lot of lofty implications, but if you had to distill all of that down to its bare essentials it would probably look at lot like this:
Right now, if you want to manage the financial…
Nexpanding: The Ever-Evolving Shape of Nexus Rules
Accounting, Tax News, TaxesArticle by Roger Russell | Found on Accounting Today
Nexus — the minimum amount of contact between a taxpayer and a state that allows the state to tax the business on its activities — is under attack by the states as they seek to broaden…
New Tax Rules for 2017
Accounting, Tax News, Taxes, UncategorizedBy Robert Trinz | Article Featured on AccountingToday
The new year promises to be an challenging one for tax practitioners, as President-elect Trump and Congressional Republicans have promised to enact a significant tax reform package in…
Year-end tax tips for charitable giving this holiday season
Accounting, Charity, Community Involvement, Finance Tips, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle by Jeff Brown | Featured on
For most people, giving to charity is simply a matter of goodwill and generosity. But there are tax benefits, and they can be significant. Knowing how to get a tax deduction can allow you to give…
FASB Proposal Takes Aim at Immaterial Fair Value Disclosures
AccountingArticle by Ken Tysiac | Featured on Journal of Accountancy
FASB is proposing new accounting standards designed to improve the effectiveness of disclosure requirements on fair value measurements by enabling preparers to omit immaterial information.
Non-Profit Financial Reporting Headed for a Change
Accounting, Non-Profits
Article by Larry Smith & Ken Euwema | Featured on Journal of Accountancy
As a part of the response to the call for increased transparency and accountability among not-for-profit entities (NFPs), FASB has taken on a project to…