Stop Robocalls to Your Cellphone With Nomorobo

By Greg LaFollette, CPA/CITP, CGMA | Found on Journal of Accountancy Many people claim privacy is dead, and more and more of us tend to agree. As much as some aspects of technology seem to hasten the probable demise of privacy, other…
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Nexpanding: The Ever-Evolving Shape of Nexus Rules

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Article by Roger Russell | Found on Accounting Today Nexus — the minimum amount of contact between a taxpayer and a state that allows the state to tax the business on its activities — is under attack by the states as they seek to broaden…

The Right Time to Sell Is Anytime

Article by JOANNE KAUFMAN | Found on New York Times When Aaron Thornton and his wife, Michelle League, decided a few months ago to sell their brownstone on West 120th Street, they first tended to some maintenance issues, then consulted their…

6 End-Of-Year Tax Tips That All Millennials Need To Hear

By Maya Kachroo-Levine | Found on Forbes As a freelancer, I have a front row seat to the true nightmare that tax season can be. I earn almost all of my income via 1099s, and every month, I make a table that reflects exactly how much I earned,…

Hooked on Our Smartphones

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By Jane E. Brody | Found on New York Times The many men, women and children who spend their days glued to their smartphones and social media accounts might learn something from Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator of the groundbreaking megahit…

Identity Theft Safeguards to Expand for 2017

Article By Sally P. Schreiber, J.D. | Featured on Journal of Accountancy As the IRS, taxpayers, and tax practitioners get ready for the 2017 tax filing season, the IRS touted the successes that it and its Security Summit partners have had…
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Most Family Businesses Lack Succession Plans

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Written by Michael Cohn | Featured on AccountingToday Only 23 percent of family businesses have a robust succession plan in place, according to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, with 46 percent of the family businesses polled saying…

New Tax Rules for 2017

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By Robert Trinz | Article Featured on AccountingToday The new year promises to be an challenging one for tax practitioners, as President-elect Trump and Congressional Republicans have promised to enact a significant tax reform package in…

The Biggest Secret to Success: Spend at Least 10 Hours a Week Just Thinking

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By Quora | Found on INC.COM   You've heard of people like Elon Musk and Jeff Immelt (General Electric CEO). Reading about them leads us to assume that business greatness requires little sleep and even less time with loved ones. Immelt,…

Millennials Are Worth Half as Much as Their Parents Were at the Same Age

Article by Lucinda Shen | Found on Fortune Are millennials better off than their parents were at the same age? A new analysis suggests they aren't. Advocacy group the Young Invincibles looked at the income, assets, net wealth, home ownership,…